Jumpstart is just what it says. When your car's battery dies you want to jumpstart the car so you can get where you're going fast. My Jumpstart program will do just that, Jumpstart your canvassing success.

Who's Jumpstart for?
It's for the canvasser, canvass manager or owner who's been in the business a while, but you find yourself in a position where your results and lead production is languishing near non-existence. And you're struggling mentally, physically, emotionally thinking you're trying all the right things, but your results aren't changing.

Your lead production isn't what it once was

You're not able to engage homeowners in your presentation past "hello"

You're getting leads but they're falling out at confirmation

You can only get single-leg sits

The "hunt" you once felt in "bagging" leads isn't there anymore

When you open your wallet flies fly out rather than $20 bills

You're contemplating applying at McDonalds, but you're not sure you can master the, "do you want fries with that" script

This may paint a bleak picture and you might not yet be feeling this level of pain and suffering in your business, but there are many I work with who are here. If you're not yet there, GOOD! You've come to the right place, at the right time; let's get started.

My Ultimate Jumpstart Canvassing Success Program puts us together for a series of phone conferences where I can a get a look at your business and gives you a fresh perspective on your situation. Often within the first call I can pinpoint the areas where we can take fast action (hence the name of the program - Jumpstart) for fast results.

To get started in the Jumpstart program, complete the information below and click submit.

I'm placing all the risk of your success squarely on my shoulders. I've seen the significant success others have experienced with my 5-Step Canvassing program so I want you to have the same opportunity. If you're not completely satisfied after the first call that I can help you, then I'll refund your investment and we'll part as continued colleagues in canvassing. So you have nothing to lose at this point then investing a little of your time. Go ahead and take the next step, complete the information below and submit it.

Once I receive your information, I'll follow up by telephone to set up our first phone conference. If after we talk, you're not happy with the direction we're going together, tell me and we'll be done. But if you do find that what I have to tell you will have a profound impact on your canvassing results then your investment in the time will be well worth it.

First Name Last Name
Email Address Phone Number
Job Title Company

Street Address 1
Street Address 2
Postal Code

Card Type
Card Number
Expiration Month
Expiration Year

Jumpstart Program: Jumpstart Coaching Amount
Total amount of $497.00 charged today,
1 Payment of $0.00 remaining.

[privacy] At no time will any of your information be shared, sold or rented for any reason. The information will only be used for communicating with you regarding your order(s) and/or work being performed for you by Canvass King, LLC. By providing your information you are giving Canvass King, LLC., it's employees, affiliates and or partners permission to contact you via phone, email, fax, mail, voice broadcast and all present and future communication mediums. At any time you may opt out of communication by emailing your request to cthompson@canvassking.com or calling (216) 588-1337.

[return/refund] You may return physical products within 90 days from the date of purchase for a full refund. All products, manual, manuscripts, documents (electronic and/or physical), printed materials and/or equipment included with the purchase of the product must be returned in like-new, resalable and functioning condition. Bonus products and/or items may be kept only if specified in the original offer as such. Should you have any questions regarding this return policy you may fax questions to (216) 588-1394, email cthompson@canvassking.com or call (216) 588-1337.

Privacy Policy / Terms and Conditions
No mobile information will be shared with third parties / affiliates for marketing or promotional purposes.
Canvass King, LLC 2664 Goldwood Drive, Rocky River Ohio 44116 (216) 588-1337