January 2012 marked the beginning of a new year, but it also is the start of new programs at Canvass King. For 12 months you’ve had access to 2 monthly Teleseminars where we discuss the nuts and bolts of canvassing. We were busy working on your business. And for the past 44 months I’ve published over 80 articles to my blog with content-rich canvassing articles. In those articles I’ve discussed both my canvassing techniques and strategies as well as managing your canvassing departments. All this information has been available to everyone for free.

If you haven’t taken advantage of it and implemented at least 1 technique or strategy into your canvassing department in that time and recognized a measureable increase in your results then I can’t help you.

Success doesn’t happen by accident! It takes work! The only way for you to avoid all the work is if I showed up every day to manage your every aspect of your canvassing department; and though that’s an option for you, it’s not feasibly possible for most companies canvassing. Canvassing is both simple and complex. The idea that you can canvass a neighborhood containing the exact demographics of your ideal clients, get face to face with them and tell of their opportunity to improve their “castle” with your products and services is easy. All you need to do is canvass and book appointments.

Adding homeowners, canvasser, presentations, sales people, manufacturers, financing, scheduling, delivery and installation logistics into the mix and now you have a complex monster. Hey, even I’ll admit, I looked for the simple solution in all the complexity. Unfortunately there’s no avoiding the work.

As fast as people hit the gym at the beginning of every New Year they drop out of the gym within 30 days. Why? No coach! The same is true for canvassers. You can be handed every successful canvassing tool and technique, but they’re useless unless you implement them. Just like the New Year’s resolution workout needs a coach to keep their feet to the fire, so too do canvassers need a coach (boss) to keep them focused and moving forward.

Starting February 2012 I’m introducing 4 membership levels. The entry level membership is Silver.
Your Silver Membership includes:

2 Monthly Group Coaching Teleseminars (each 60 minutes)

1 Audio CD of each month’s Teleseminars automatically mailed directly to your office

Monthly Marketing Newsletter (Canvassing Insider)

The monthly Teleseminars you’ve come to know will become part of your Silver Level Membership. Each call will be an open group call where I’ll tackle 1 subject each month. Consider this a bi-monthly mastermind call for you and your canvassers. A single monthly membership for your office entitles as many people to participate on the call as you’d like. You and your entire team can join in to listen or participate in the conversation. I’m turning the Teleseminars into a more interactive group mastermind.

If you’re not familiar with what a mastermind group is then here’s a quick history lesson. Napoleon Hill, author of “Think & Grow Rich”; likely the single most important text on business success principles, defined the “mastermind” concept as one of Andrew Carnegie’s essential success principles for succeeding in business and accumulating massive amounts of wealth. Mr. Hill defined the ‘mastermind’ concept as “the coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose”.

I interpret from Mr. Hill’s definition the idea of “coordination of knowledge and effort … for the attainment of a definite purpose” to mean, acquiring more profitable business. If your business’ “definite purpose” is anything other than to increase the value of your products and services to your prospects, ultimately increasing income, then you should find something else to do. If you are committed to making more money then you’ll want to read on. But, before you do, be for-warned that some of what you’re about to learn may be a bit outside your "comfort-zone”. If you stretch your thinking and open yourself to new ideas you’re guaranteed to grow both your business and your position in it.

If you’re just not happy with the results you’ve been getting from your present sales efforts, or you’re current lead generation methods are not working as effectively as they once did; or you’re ready to take the business to the next level, then this opportunity will be just be what you need.

I started, and grew, a multi-million dollar home improvement company based entirely on a canvassing model … young, somewhat inexperienced novices, who turned the industry on its ear. I was told I didn’t know what I was doing and that it wouldn’t work. Today, I exclusively coach and mentor a wide variety of organizations, though specialize in the home improvement business. Yes, other types of businesses are finding tremendous success canvassing for leads. The biggest thing I didn’t anticipate was how powerful momentum was in my company's growth. Once I put my unique model in place, it began to operate almost on autopilot. If a 24-year old kid could grow a business from the ground up, with virtually nothing, just imagine what you could do in your existing business.

Yes these Teleseminars have been free to attend for the past year, but as I wrote in November, this was an experiment to see how well received the concept would be by the industry. The results, it was well received. There were 2 challenges I found with them though.

1) The same members consistently attended and the mass majority didn’t

2) People told me they had trouble making the live calls each month due to schedule conflicts

Tracking the same members showing up for each call tells me a select few are truly committed to being successful and a mass majority only talk about being successful. In fact, here’s how the numbers stack up:

5% of members showed up for every Teleseminar

15% of members showed up sporadically for the Teleseminars

80% of members never showed up for the Teleseminars

- These people received the same material every month, but chose to take no action to move toward success

Only 20% of members demonstrated they were serious about successful canvassing. Turning the free Teleseminars into a monthly paid membership will separate the men from the boys. The monthly membership will be minimal especially if you take advantage of the offer I’ll tell you about at the end, but it will force you to put some “skin in the game”, plus it’ll go toward building a canvass training library you can share with the entire company, which leads me to …

The second challenge people told me they had was being able to make the calls each month. As a Silver member it won’t be an issue any more. Each month you’ll be mailed an audio CD containing the complete Group Teleseminar calls of that month. The audio CD will be mailed directly to your office automatically. If you recall after each Teleseminar I made an audio CD available for $2.95 each to cover shipping and handling. Many members were automatically having the CDs shipped. Every Silver member will automatically receive the CDs each month.

You can now attend every Teleseminar even if you can’t make the live calls each month. Each month your canvass training library will grow so you can review the group training calls and/or share them with your team. You’ll also receive a bonus gift to build your valuable training library.

Canvassing Insider Marketing Newsletter
Presently I publish 2 articles each month posted to my online blog. In 2012 my blog will take on a different direction and my articles will only be available in your Silver Membership. The Canvassing Insider newsletter will be printed and shipped each month along with your Group Teleseminar Coaching CDs.

In the monthly newsletter I’ll continue to tackle the challenging questions regarding:




Hiring and training a manager

And more

Your monthly membership includes both monthly Group Teleseminar calls, CD or the calls mailed directly to you automatically and a printed copy of Canvassing Insider Marketing Newsletter, which contains 2 content rich articles (1 on The Art of Canvassing and 1 on The Art of Managing Canvassing), previously published to the blog each month.

What more will you get from your paid Silver Level Membership than what you received free each month?

Membership with the top 20%'ers of your industry who also are focused on canvassing success

Opportunity monthly to work on your business, not just in it

Group mastermind with me and the top 20%'ers

Automatically building your training library monthly (Teleseminar CD's and Canvassing Insider Marketing Newsletters)

Advance and discounted access to upcoming Canvass King events and offers

First Name Last Name
Email Address Phone Number
Company Job Title

Street Address 1
Street Address 2
City State
Postal Code

Street Address 1
Street Address 2
City State
Postal Code

Card Type
Card Number
Expiration Month
Expiration Year

Silver Membership Program Amount
$59.97 every Month
Total Amount You Pay Right Now

[privacy] At no time will any of your information be shared, sold or rented for any reason. The information will only be used for communicating with you regarding your order(s) and/or work being performed for you by Canvass King, LLC. By providing your information you are giving Canvass King, LLC., it's employees, affiliates and or partners permission to contact you via phone, email, fax, mail, voice broadcast and all present and future communication mediums. At any time you may opt out of communication by emailing your requedst to cthompson@canvassking.com or calling (216) 588-1337.

[return/refund] You may return physical products within 90 days from the date of purchase for a full refund. All products, manual, manuscripts, documents (electronic and/or physical), printed materials and/or equipment included with the purchase of the product must be returned in like-new, resalable and functioning condition. Bonus products and/or items may be kept only if specified in the original offer as such. Should you have any questions regarding this return policy you may fax questions to (216) 588-1394, email cthompson@canvassking.com or call (216) 588-1337.

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No mobile information will be shared with third parties / affiliates for marketing or promotional purposes.
Canvass King, LLC 2664 Goldwood Drive, Rocky River Ohio 44116 (216) 588-1337